Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don Quixote - Barack Obama

From the World of Fantasy and Imagination of  Don Quixote La Mancha.

America's Present President Barack Obama is often compared to Don Quixote as he has done nothing but got the Nobel prize just for assuring that a change will follow and there will be peace just as Quixote assured of being a Knight and remove the evil but proved otherwise. That may be the case with Barack Obama too.

[caption id="attachment_174" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Barack Obama the Living Don Quixote"]Barack Obama the Living Don Quixote[/caption]

1 comment:

  1. But Obama and the Quixote have very little in in common.

    The Quixote had only 1 follower. -- Remember the immense crowds that Obama used to draw.

    The Quixote attacked evil where he saw it very bravely and at great personal risk. -- Consider how Obama tried and keeps trying to solve problems through (verbal) compromise.

    At present, the Quixote relies mainly on the publishing industry's gifts and school markets. Obama seems to depend mainly on the banking rackets.

    However, I can see 2 things they have in common: they both used to read too many books and they are both admired for their linguistics.
